Hans-Guenter-Pahl - 15-Jan-1992: - Letter to my dead Brother - The Beginning of the Journey and Struggle for Peace

The Beginning of a journey and struggle for Peace

15 January 1992

In Memoriam - Klaus-Peter Pahl
12 Oct 1944 - 15 Jan 1987

My Dear Dead Brother ....
Today it's 5 years ago that your life ended so abruptly and tragically,
just 42 years and 3 months old.

I was very depressed today because of you,but God has eased my load today and made me realize in full clarity that I must embark on an exciting new journey, and travel a new road: the road of love.
This road is in fact very old, but often avoided and abused.
It's the road of love, unconditional, unselfish love ,no matter what ...in spite of everything, overcoming all pain, all obstacles ...

I suddenly remembered your quest for justice in this world ...
Your silent outcry in view of the abused and oppressed human beings.
I suddenly remembered our heated debates when on visit in Germany regarding the Palestinian Problem, the Right for the Palestinians to live their life in dignity and self-determination, and the ugly opression.
Well, I defended my country against incorrect alligations, and often we both couldn't see straight because of the one-sided, subjective presentation of the problem.
We both were trapped in our positions and prejudices.
We ALL are trapped ... on either side ...

We often discussed religion and you were so mad at God because he allowed all the injustice to happen. I also remembered our dear father's view on this ....

He had seen so many tragic situations during World War II, and he too wondered why God didn't prevent this from happening ....

Then I remembered the Holocaust Survivers who lost so many Loved Ones in the concentration camps, and there was no God to comfort and listen to their dreadful outcries and helpless pleas...

But now, I am sure that you and Dad and Mom and our older brother who live now in the spirit world have a better understanding and knowledge regarding the mystery of life, for God is a kind father to all the family of man ...

It's men who cause so much pain and suffering to their fellow man ...

I carry you all in my heart ... I have not forgotten how bitterly you cried at father's open coffin and grave, because you weren't there when it happened, but your absence gave me the chance to be there instead, and I am forever grateful ...

And then God permitted me to get home to mother just in time to accompany her for just a little while, towards the open door that led her out of this world ... I shall never forget this ...

Only you and our oldest brother died alone and I wasn't there with you ...

Just one day after Mama passed away, he drowned in the Atlantic ocean, he a sailor who had loved the sea, drowned ...

And now you are in a different state, and I think of you, full of love and compassion ...

To-night I want to open a new page in my life....to-night I want to start carrying the load that you always wanted to carry and never could, because your were a prisoner of your envirement, your surrounding and up-bringing, a prisoner of your own low self-esteem, although you were such a good person, loving and kind ...

Until now I myself was a prisoner, lacking self-esteem and real character-strength, always taking the nice easy and smooth road, just dreaming of the tough climb, but too weak to make that fateful switch.

To-night I shall make it and nothing shall ever be the same ...
I know what it means to be really low, broken, destructive, deceadful, foolish, shameless, selfish and what have you ...
We can lie to others, can make-believe and pretend, but we cannot lie to God or to ourselves ...
It's either harmony or turmoil , success or failure ..
Peace or war is always first inside us before it will spread around us, the choice is really ours ...
Other people's behavior and hatred is no excuse for own shortcomings ...
I am not a preacher, I am not self-righteous or overinflated, but I will reach out ... I will do what you always wanted to do in life ... to love just for love's sake, love no matter what happens ..

This is the whole simple truth ...love they neighbor as thyself ..
Love must be unselfish, no rewards expected, no promises connected ...just love despite of hatred and killings, love without limit, without judgement and without prejudice ...

My Brother, I always thought that your ideas were extreme, unrealistic, foolish and utopic ...
Now I must confess, there is nothing else but that one scheme : LOVE, no political program, no religious restriction, no party boundary, but all embracing LOVE ...

It's so basic, so simple, yet so very often neglected and abused

Now I your brother will carry that message and you will accompany me on my journey through the thornfields ...
You will help me up when I fall and faint, when I am discouraged , you will help me ...
Our Good Lord will carry us all ... he has helped you up, and he will help all of us ...

The message is to love, to carry this love despite abuse and hatred, despite killings and spill of innocent blood ..
There are enemies, rutheless killers, misguided, fanatic and mean, there will be serve punishment for all the evil designs and innocent bloodshedding ...

We all are children of the very same Father, we all came naked and helpless into this world, and we all shall leave this world and turn to dust one day..
But we shall be judged on the judgement day and we shall be held accountable for our conduct during our mortal days ...

When I leave this world and join you all, it does not matter when that happens, or how it happens, I must love, for love is the only justification for my existence ... This is the whole and simple truth ...

Nothing must blind me or distract me from this simple truth ..
No unjust killing or hatred, no program, no violence must ever come in-between ...

I must embark on my journey, my dear brother, girded with love and love alone ...
I have whiped the sheet clean - no more hatred, just compassion and love, unconditional, all-embracing ...

I have nothing to hide , I am prepared to go the stony path ...

There is so much suffering, so much injustice in this world, so much blindness and deafness, so many oppressed and so many opressors ...

We were lucky to be born in the " richer " part of the world, we were unlucky to get caught up in protecting our world, shutting out the less fortunate ...

We eventually realized that there is another world next to our own, a poor, sad and opressed world, exploited by our rich, self-righteous world ...
How could that happen, we didn't want to see at first the miseries ...
Only a relative small crowd has ventured into the so-called Third World and labors day and night to ease suffering.
So many helpless children still die ...

The Junk-culture of our own selfish world covers this all up and throws a bone here and there to ease the concience ...

We are so much engaged in our foolish schemes ....

And there was our older brother .. always the kind and compassionte, always with an open hand and open mind, but also trapped in the same webb as we all were ...

And sweet dear mother, she liked to focus on the little things, on the children and all of Gods little creatures and creations ...
She didn't understand much of politics, but she carried a lot of love and compassion within her ... and also she, like the rest of us, trapped in our western world prejudice and comfort, the difficult war years faded and forgotten ...

Her and father's example of our difficult post-war up-bringing has been engraved in my heart forever ..
Their self-sacrifice after the war will never be forgotten.

There will be yet many dis-appointments, difficulties and obstacles, abuse and ridicule in store ...but despite all this,

With Love, your Brother